Awesome Temple Run-Like Games

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, April 14, 2013

A few weeks ago the highly anticipated sequel to Temple Run was announced. Within the first three days Temple Run 2 had already been downloaded 20 million times on iOS devices. And after what seemed like the longest and most annoying week ever — which all my friends found hilarious as they played on their iPhones — Android users finally had access to the game. Since then, playing Temple Run 2 has been a regular occurrence and I’m sure this can be said for many others.
However, while Temple Run may take the spotlight, there are several other games that follow the same concept. Many of these are just as fun and in my opinion maybe better. So whether you’re bored of Temple Run already or just looking for a new game for your Android device, read on to find out what we recommend!

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Agent Dash

The first app I’ll be looking at is Agent Dash, a fun game where you play as a secret agent. The first thing you’ll notice is that you don’t need to swipe left or right at any stage. The only controls are swipe up, down and tilting. Tilting controls 80% of the game and you use this to move from lanes and turn corners.
In the game’s store, you’ll find the four basic upgrades which have just been renamed from Temple Run. These include: Super Diamond (Big Coins), Jetpack (Boost), Magnet and High-Value Gems. Each has five stages that you can buy as you play more and collect more gems.
The most appealing part of Agent Dash has to be the graphics. These are far superior to those of Temple Run and will amaze you at every turn.
Price: Free
Requires: Android 2.3.3 and up
Market Link: Agent Dash
Developer: Full Fat

Pyramid Run

When I started playing Pyramid Run, I found it quite comical that they have copied Temple Run yet still created a unique game. Running through the temple, you will face the same obstacles and again you need to collect coins. However, where the game becomes different is that you can place bets.
If you go to the main menu and click on “Crazy” you can wager on the distance you will achieve in your next run. If you reach that distance then a multiplier will be added to your final score. This gives an element of risk to the game and makes it more exciting in my opinion.
While Pyramid Run does have an element of uniqueness, it does suffer in other parts. These weaknesses come in the form of advertisements and some lower-quality graphics. However, I would recommend you try this, if only for the adrenaline rush from wanting to fulfil your bets.
Price: Free
Requires: Android 2.1 and up
Market Link: Pyramid Run
Developer: MagicBone

Rail Rush

On Temple Run 2, there’s a new area we can explore, the mine track where you experience a new layout and need to react differently to obstacles. Rail Rush is a game from Miniclip which mimics this concept for the whole game — because of course mine karts are the best!
Rail Rush has very high quality graphics and performs well. Similarly to Temple Run, when you complete the given missions, you get greater rewards. I also like that the “Save Me” feature has been integrated so you can resurrect from the dead and continue your game in exchange for some of your gold.
Price: Free
Requires: Android 2.1 and up
Market Link: Rail Rush

Subway Surfers

Before Temple Run 2 launched, I looked for ages for a game that could fill that gap in my gaming life — luckily, Subway Surfers was suggested to me by a friend. This game works basically the same as Rail Rush in the sense that you don’t turn and you’re on the same path the whole way. Your objective is to jump over the trains and slide under obstacles while trying to get the furthest distance possible.
Every month on Subway Surfers the game changes too. This month the game is set in Rio and last month it was in New York. This brings a completely different user interface and provides new upgrades to buy in the store. If Temple Run did something like this, I’m sure it would be an even greater success, because this sort of change is really refreshing.
Subway Surfers is a fantastic application that’s well designed and works perfectly. The only criticism I could possibly make would be that the characters in the store probably cost too much.
Price: Free
Requires: Android 2.3.3 and up
Market Link: Subway Surfers
Developer: Kiloo Games


There is one other app that I feel you should know about, but, I don’t think it’s right for the main section of the article. The app I’m talking about is Temple Run Brave, the version of Temple Run based on the much loved — by me especially — Disney movie. And while this may still be the same game by the same creators of Temple Run, there are some slight differences that make it unique. These include being able to shoot your bow to gain rewards as well as playing as some of the main characters in the story – and really who doesn’t want to play as a Merida?
Temple Run Brave — A fun game for around £0.63.


Everyone one of these games is geared towards the Temple Run crowd, but the subtle — and not so subtle — differences make each of these games suited towards a different type of personality. My personal favourite is Subway Surfers. It’s perfect for my gaming style and I could easily spend a few hours trying to improve my high score!
Are there any other great Temple Run alternatives that we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments.

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